Sunday, January 16, 2011

Venice and Florence Photographic Workshop Tour Oct 2011

  Venice and Firenze  Oct 12-17 2011
$750.00, Limited to 8 Students
Airfare and Hotel not included in workshop price.Approximate cost, based on double occupancy, starting at $1,800.Contact us for Hotel & Airfare info. If you love photography, the romance of Italy, this is the trip for you. You’ll be inspired bythe rich history, the colorful palette of Veniceand Firenze! Be uplifted by the company of photographers who share your passion in photography. In this workshop we will capture landscape images that excite and move, images that trace where the mind hasbeen and form a unique vision that willlast a lifetime. This workshop is about applying new skills learned daily and sharing our collective
knowledge to take that next step in a supportive environment. We hold a deep passion for the places
we travel to, and will help you explore how to create the images that continue to inspire. What takes time to create, time respects, and good images don't just happen. Most often, our best images lie just beyond our greatest failures. We believe through photography and an open mind the best is yet to come. Paul James is a published, award winning photographer from Southeastern Michigan who offers the best in personalized photographic instruction on every level; whether you're just beginning or a seasoned veteran. Paul takes great pride in his work, and this translates to some great teaching techniques. He has vast experience in both the artistic and technical aspects of photography; he is adept in Digital, Medium and Large format Cameras, which includes a large range of camera brands and models. He welcomes photographers of all formats and media; however, this class will be geared for the digital photographer.

• Learn tips and tricks used by the professionals to create impressive photographs.
• Discover new viewpoints, interesting details which might be overlooked, see the world photographical
• Learn to sense the direction of light and how to capture the magic moment.
• Improve your photographic technique.
• Learn your camera and how to get the most out of it.
• Have fun!

  Day One-Arrive Venice where we can go over equipment and Photograph
                 a sunset on the Grand Canal.
  Day Two–Three: Photograph at sunrise and sunset and when the light is right.
                  Enjoy the Grand Canal, Islands, Museums and Churches.
  Day Four–Travel to Firenze by train and photograph an evening shot if time allows
  Day Five-Six: Photograph at sunrise and sunset and when the light is right.
                 Enjoy the Museums Churches and shopping throughout the day.

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